So what makes marriages jell? What makes them go sour?? It is what we make out of it that is matters. The quote " two is a company" stands true only if we find out soul mate or else it turns out to be a different recipe. It is always better to be alone without being lonely rather than shriveling in an unwanted company. It is true that life is not a bed of roses, but then it is up to us to wear gloves or not. These gloves, some call as dreams, some call as hallucination.. what ever it might be, It offers solace to the bruised soul. That is where our mates Music, Books , Films..and others step in. They give us peace and joy in return for our time. How terrible the toils of life would be if we dont have these mates !! I go by my favorite Dramatist G.B.Shaw..." A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. ". Now this is what optimism means !!
Agree with you 100% venkat..;thats a lovely picture of your brother and sister in law, so relaxed and so very much at ease with each other .One can see that they are happy with one another..;
Thankyou Kiran..I keep inspired by them all the time. :-)
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